Jun 14, 2010


Dear Daniel,
Summertime is here and we are enjoying the lovely weather by going to the park almost every day! Some days it is too hot for socks or we want to get wet, so I bought you your first pair of flip-flops. It is so cute watching you try to walk in them! You high-step around being very careful to squeeze your toes tight so the rubber flip-flips don't fall off. Which of course, they do. Sometimes, you decide you want to leave the house without me. You put your papa's shoes on and shuffle towards the door. It made me laugh so hard the first time you did that, that now it is like a game. You always tell me "Bye Mommy!" and then try sticking your little feet in daddy's big shoes. You giggle as you try to keep you balance and open the door at the same time. Then you look at me for help. It's nice to know you still need me.

May 2, 2010


Dear Daniel,
Your birthday was on Friday, but we have been so busy this weekend getting ready for and having your birthday party...sometimes I wonder if you will even have memories of this party. Will you remember how much fun you had? The party was at the park and the theme was Toy Story 2 (cause you're two). You wore your special birthday shirt and cowboy badge we bought in Texas.We had picnic blankets with buckets of toys, balls, and bubbles.You were so proud that you could blow the bubbles by yourself, you didn't let anyone help you. We played "pin the face on Mr. Potato Head" several times because it was your favorite. Everyone ate chicken and potato salad and watermelon and when it came to cake time, you decided you wanted to eat 3 cupcakes instead. You got a lot of nice gifts, but your favorite was the ABC rug Tio Jairo gave you. Remember? Well, you did all that and from the look on your face, it seemed like you had fun. :) I know your dad and I did!

Apr 15, 2010


Dear Daniel,
You are getting better and better at letters and words! You can spell your name already! I love to hear you say "D. A. N. I. E. L. daa-daa!!" you are so enthustiastic about your name!You can also recognize any letter of the alphabet by sight...capital and lowercase and even some in cursive! You still are obsessive with singing the alphabet song, but now you are singing the letter sounds song as well. You are up to "Garden".
Everyday you surprise me with new words you say. Aqui, Mas, Eat, Please (pronounced Peas), Apple, Baby, Grapes (pronouced Gapes), Cheese, Mommy and Papa, Flower...the list gets longer all the time. When papa gave you a stuffed Blue the puppy, you looked at it's paw and said "A clue!" :)
It's so exciting! I wonder what you will say next?

Mar 21, 2010


Dear Daniel,
Today we brought little Melody from the hospital! It was your first time meeting her, and mommy was nervous as to how you would react. Thankfully, I had no reason to worry. :) As soon as we took her out of the car to meet you, you saw she was sleeping and told us "shhh". You wanted to hold her and you were very gentle. Then you decided that you wanted to do something else and ran away. Hahahaha...

Feb 17, 2010

la cama

Dear Daniel,
This week you have started using your big boy bed! On Sunday, Papa put it together and you took out your toy tools to help Papa with the screws and hammering. You were so excited to sleep there! The first night, you cried once, but after that you seemed fine. Every night Papa helps you put your pajamas on, brush your teeth and then reads you a story and kisses you good-night. You love sleeping in your big boy bed. On Tuesday morning (the second time sleeping there), you didn't want to get out of your bed! You put all the blocks on it and made a wall. Then you got your cars and played with them on the bed as well. :) You're so silly.

Feb 9, 2010


Dear Daniel,
You LOVE letters. Your favorite song is the alphabet song and sing it over and over to yourself. The cutest part is when you get to "h, i, j, j, l, m, n, o, poo!" You recognize letters, especially D for Daniel and can even write the letters D, E and O. Of course, all the family thinks you are a genius. :)
You also love it when we write your name for you. You ask us to write it over and over and over again. After I spell out your name, I ask you, "What does that spell?" and you exclaim "Dee-Dee!" and underline it.
Anytime you see words, you try to read them. For example, when I took you to the play area at the mall, instead of going to play on the structures, you kept running to the entrance to "read" the welcome sign.
I'm so excited to see your love for reading grow. I can't wait until you get your first library card!
So although you don't say much yet, I know that you are soaking things up and learning all the time.

Feb 2, 2010

mommy*s little helper

Dear Daniel,
You are growing to be such a good helper...always wanting to unload the dishwasher, whether the dishes are clean or dirty. :) You also like to help put the dirty clothes into the wash. Mommy hands you the clothes and you throw them in. Today you helped me make banana muffins. You scooped the dry ingredients into the bowl and then helped me stir it all together. Papa said it was the best muffins he's ever had!